Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Tree!

One of my favorite things about Christmas is getting a Christmas tree. I love the adventure of getting the tree, setting up the tree, decorating the tree, and staring at the tree for hours after everyone has gone to bed.

This year Justin wasn't really in the mood to travel to the mountain and chop a tree down. I was desperate to get a tree, we were already two weeks behind schedule in my book. So we compromised and went down the road to a local tree farm. Due to Justin's crazy schedule we let the kids stay home from school so we could find our tree as a family. The kids were certain we needed the bright blue flocked tree. Justin and I found a semi-descent tree we both liked. We even let the kids pick out a $5 dollar tiny tree for upstairs. They felt super excited. I loved it because it gave me a perfect place to hang all the not so pretty ornaments.

We had a wonderful day of decorating, trains, lights, stockings, and of course pizza.

Eliza's Blessing

We were so blessed to have so many members of our family come to Eliza's blessing. Justin's parents, grandparents and oldest sister Jennifer and her family all came. My parents and all my siblings except Josh and Dynelle were able to make it as well. It is no small thing to get everyone here. I felt so grateful and blessed that they were able to come.

Eliza looked beautiful in her blessing dress. Grandma Brinkerhoff bought her dress, Grandma Cooper bought her booties, Dynelle bought her headband and bow.

Justin gave her a beautiful blessing. She was blessed with peace, and guidance through trials and temptations, with discernment, the ability help others make good choices, and to be a mother in Zion, health, strong body, and knowledge that the Savior loves her.

It was such a special day. There was so much love in our home, combined with the sweet spirit of our newest addition, it couldn't have been a better day!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Carving Pumpkins

The kids had so much fun carving pumpkins this year. Can you tell that Justin helped the three older kids and I did Eliza's?

Fun Halloween

Our annual Family Halloween Party this year was super fun. This is Chelsey and Cody as Gangstas.

Kristy and her darling kids looking scarier than ever.
The whole group together.

Justin's costume fit his personality too well, Mine was nothing close to my sweet personality. The kids were too fun. They have been looking forward to this holiday for so long.

Friday, October 29, 2010

She Smiled!

Dynelle, this entry is dedicated to you. I know you have waited two long years for this wonderful post. Okay, my first post. But at last, the long wait is over. I am blogging.

My sweet Eliza Jayne smiled today. It's true, she was looking up at me this morning and I was talking to her and she smiled that adorable baby smile. Oh, how she makes me happy. Do you remember how Mom would always say each baby she had made the love grow in the family. I really had no idea what she was talking about. Until I became a mother. Each one of our kids has added so much joy and love it amazes me. I can see why having babies is so addicting. No wonder Mom had nine.
When Eliza was born I thought there might be some jealousy. But not once have any of the kids complained about the new baby. It has been nothing but excitement and love. When she cries Jacob kisses her head and calls her Angel Cakes and every time she calms down. Abby is constantly asking "Can I hold the baby?" And Alyviah loves to help bathe and dress her. Alyviah is especially good at smothering lotion on Eliza's head.

We are blessed!