Sunday, December 5, 2010

Eliza's Blessing

We were so blessed to have so many members of our family come to Eliza's blessing. Justin's parents, grandparents and oldest sister Jennifer and her family all came. My parents and all my siblings except Josh and Dynelle were able to make it as well. It is no small thing to get everyone here. I felt so grateful and blessed that they were able to come.

Eliza looked beautiful in her blessing dress. Grandma Brinkerhoff bought her dress, Grandma Cooper bought her booties, Dynelle bought her headband and bow.

Justin gave her a beautiful blessing. She was blessed with peace, and guidance through trials and temptations, with discernment, the ability help others make good choices, and to be a mother in Zion, health, strong body, and knowledge that the Savior loves her.

It was such a special day. There was so much love in our home, combined with the sweet spirit of our newest addition, it couldn't have been a better day!

1 comment:

Kirk and Dynelle said...

Wow she is so beautiful! I lovethe picture of her sleeping!!! What a neat blessing she was given! Thanks for posting!