Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fun Halloween

Our annual Family Halloween Party this year was super fun. This is Chelsey and Cody as Gangstas.

Kristy and her darling kids looking scarier than ever.
The whole group together.

Justin's costume fit his personality too well, Mine was nothing close to my sweet personality. The kids were too fun. They have been looking forward to this holiday for so long.


Kirk and Dynelle said...

You are the hotest devil I have ever seen! Wish we could have been there, maybe next year we should do it in Vegas?

CHELSEY! said...

ha true that! you are total opposite of a devil :) that's why we have Halloween, to see what the opposite of our personality would be like ;) I love the pics.

CHELSEY! said...

I have to tell you..there is a little girl in first grade that has long curly hair and reminds me a lot of Abby and she had the exact same costume as Abby did. Kinda fun :)